Mz Worthy - Love and Give

Love & Give is a message that I wanted to give to the world. That we all need to Love ourselves and to Give that gift to ourselves. So many times we look outside of ourselves for love when what we need to do is find that love from inside. Everyday on the inside.

I wanted to launch my journey as Mz Worthy with Love & Give because this song has such a strong message of accepting who I am. I am finally accepting myself after hiding from myself. The addition of 'Mz' to my name is a symbol of me finding my femininity and of me loving and giving myself this gift. 

I want people to feel like they are taken away on a powerful spiritual journey and to find that they are worthy of the love they have for themselves and let the feelings of being worthless go while listening / dancing to this track. For most of my life I have had this name Worthy, but I never felt like I was worthy. I am finally finding that self love and worthiness and I want everyone else to feel that too.

-Mz Worthy